Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

Application Details of The form function('function body') is not supported., Native method %1 has illegal method body., %1 and %2 cannot be reconciled., Property %1 not found on %2 and there is no default value., Method %1 not found on %2, Function %1 has already been bound to %2., Disp_id 0 is illegal., Non-override method %1 replaced because of duplicate disp_id %2., Illegal write to read-only property %1 on %2.

Error Id:1066
Error Code:The form function('function body') is not supported.
Error Message:Unlike JavaScript, Flash does not compile code on-the-fly using eval() and function(). Thus, calling these as a constructor in ActionScript 3.0 generates this error.
Error Id:1067
Error Code:Native method %1 has illegal method body.
Error Message:see more
Error Id:1068
Error Code:%1 and %2 cannot be reconciled.
Error Message:see more
Error Id:1069
Error Code:Property %1 not found on %2 and there is no default value.
Error Message:You are referencing an undefined property on a non-dynamic class instance. For example, the following generates this error when it references property x, which is not defined and cannot be created dynamically:class A {} // sealed class, not dynamic
Error Id:1070
Error Code:Method %1 not found on %2
Error Message:You are using a super statement to call a function, but the function doesn't exist in the super class. For example, the following code generates the error:class A() {}class B extends A { function f() { trace(super.f()); } // error 1070, there is no f on A}
Error Id:1071
Error Code:Function %1 has already been bound to %2.
Error Id:1072
Error Code:Disp_id 0 is illegal.
Error Message:see more
Error Id:1073
Error Code:Non-override method %1 replaced because of duplicate disp_id %2.
Error Message:see more
Error Id:1074
Error Code:Illegal write to read-only property %1 on %2.
Error Id:1075
Error Code:Math is not a function.
Error Message:You are trying to call math() as a function, but the Math class is a class with static methods.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC